By Eric Stock and Illinois Radio Network
WASHINGTON – Illinois congressmen split along party lines in the U.S. House on the GOP’s tax reform plan.
Supporting the plan, Republican Rodney Davis of Taylorville said the measure is pro-middle class and pro-business and will help the economy grow.
“Today, is not about politics or the legacy of Republicans and Democrats,” Davis said in a statement. “It’s about middle-class Americans who have not seen a tax break in more than 30 years, small businesses who continue to be taxed at a much higher rate than large businesses, and it’s about bringing back jobs and investments by corporations who have left this country because we have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world.”
U.S. Rep. Darin LaHood of Peoria said for Illinois’ 18th district, a Congressional analysis found that a family of four making the median household income would receive a tax cut of $2,060 every year.
“Today’s vote is a big win for the middle class families of Illinois’ 18th district,” LaHood said in a statement. “For the past thirty years, they have seen our tax code get bigger while their paychecks got smaller.”
Voting “no,” Democrat Bill Foster said the plan would hurt Illinoisans wanting to deduct high property taxes.
Democratic U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth are urging Gov. Bruce Rauner to publicly weigh in on the tax plans and how these plans would impact Illinois families.
“This House bill gives guaranteed tax giveaways to the wealthy and temporary tax relief to some middle-income families,” Durbin said in a statement. “One-third of Illinois families will face double taxation for their property, income, and sales taxes for the first time. Rushing through their partisan bill is a guarantee mistakes will be included, which hurt many hard-working families in Illinois.”
Durbin and Duckworth say a letter they sent to the governor a month ago has gone unanswered.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].