SPRINGFIELD – Republican gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives’ new internet and social media ad is facing criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike.
Patterned after Gov. Bruce Rauner’s ad, where neighboring governors thank Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan, crediting him with creating bad economic conditions for Illinois that send jobs to their states, Ives has actors representing various issues that go against most social conservative values thanking Rauner, including a man in drag, who says Rauner made it possible for him to use the girl’s restroom and a happy go lucky girl who thanks Rauner for having Illinois families pay for her abortion.
Rauner weighed in on the ad on Saturday during a tour of the new Destihl Brewery location in Normal.
“I think that just shows how unelectable Representative Ives really is,” Rauner said. “Representative Ives has associated herself with questionable individuals who really don’t represent the views of the people of Illinois.”
Illinois Senate Minority Leader Bill Brady, R-Bloomnigton, joined the chorus of Illinois Republicans who are urging Ives to pull the ad.
PODCAST: Listen to Scott’s interview with Brady on WJBC.
“(The ad) offended a lot of people who even agree with what Jeanne Ives supports that are different from Bruce Rauner,” Brady said. “I can’t tell you the number of people I’ve talked to, who are offended, Republicans who are socially conservative who are offended by this ad.”
GOP Attorney General candidate Erika Harold was critical of the ad, saying “This ad denigrates, mocks and marginalizes groups of Illinoisans and cannot represent our Republican Party. I call on the Ives campaign to immediately take it off the air. The Republican Party must be about fighting for the ideals and values that have made our country the envy of the world and promoting the dignity and value of every Illinoisan.”
Ives’ camp said Rauner is the one who owes Illinois families and conservatives an apology.