By Eric Stock
BLOOMINGTON – In the aftermath of the recent Florida school shooting, U.S. Rep. Darin LaHood said there are some gun control measures he would support.
The Peoria Republican also points his finger at the FBI for failing to act on tips about the shooter in that case. LaHood called the agency’s actions inexcusable.
PODCAST: Listen to Scott’s interview with LaHood on WJBC.
“Clearly, there were tips that came in but they were not followed up on appropriately,” LaHood said. “There was not action taken and if they would have been we may not had this tragedy.
“So (we need to) figure out how we either find more resources for that or hold people and agencies in government accountable for not following up on these tips.”
LaHood said he supports tighter controls on background checks to prevent those with mental illnesses from getting a gun, but he isn’t ready to support universal background checks.
“When you go in to purchase a weapon, it would show up that you’ve been diagnosed with mental illness,” LaHood said. “Right now that’s not happening.”
The NRA has given LaHood nearly $17,000 since he took office in 2015. LaHood said that has no impact on how he votes.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].