By Eric Stock
NORMAL – Bloomington and Normal libraries are looking to get local children more excited about reading.
The two libraries are partnering with Unit 5 and District 87 to get library cards to mail the cards to local grade school students who don’t already have one. Normal Public Library Outreach Librarian Randi Sutter said the library started a pilot project last year with Prairieland Elementary last spring and has since expanded to all grade schoolers living in Normal.
“Students are really excited,” Sutter said. “We’ve seen a couple of students come up to the desk and are thrilled to share they’ve received their cards and are excited to use them.”
District 87 has mailed more than 2,600 student library cards.
“BPL started this project with District 87 as it’s the smaller of the two districts and all of District 87’s students have a Bloomington address,” said Rhonda Massie, Bloomington Public Library Marketing Manager. “To tackle District 87, we only needed to bring two parties to the table. As Unit 5 covers a much larger area geographically, there were more players to consider, and that took some time.”
The card offers access to all services in the library in their hometown.
“Students who live in the Normal Public Library’s distrct receive their cards via mail, which is really exciting when you are a kid getting a piece of mail delivered to you house with your name,” Sutter said.
Unit 5 grade school students should receive the last batch of cards this month. Junior high and high school students will receive their cards later this year.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].