By Greg Halbleib
BLOOMINGTON – The Libertarian candidate for governor is riding his party’s theme to reduce government’s involvement in everyday lives.
Kash Jackson told WJBC’s Sam Wood he wants to freeze and eventually cut property taxes.
“I would like to see a five-year property tax freeze enacted,” Jackson said. “I want to see a two-thirds voter referendum put into place so that after we allow citizens’ wages to catch up with the market, if you will, then I’d also like to begin to roll those property taxes back.”
Jackson said to do that, the pension system must be brought under control, education funding reform must be addressed and the number of local governmental units must be reduced.
Jackson added that he does not want to legalize dangerous drugs, but he wants marijuana to be legal.
“At a bare minimum, we shouldn’t be incarcerating people who are not a threat to their society or their community,” Jackson said. “We should be utilizing our police and our police services to investigate property crime and non-violent crime, and we shouldn’t be wasting those resources to go after non-violent criminals.”
Greg Halbleib can be reached at [email protected].