By Howard Packowitz
BLOOMINGTON – The Democratic candidate for Illinois Governor favors term limits for lawmakers holding leadership positions in the General Assembly like long-time House Speaker Michael Madigan and Bloomington’s Bill Brady, who’s the Senate Minority Leader.
J.B. Pritzker, speaking to McLean County Democrats at Illlinois Wesleyan University, would not limit himself to two terms as governor if he defeats incumbent Republican Bruce Rauner.
Instead, Pritzker said legislative boundries need to be redrawn to make for more competitive races, an issue he says is likely to separate himself from Speaker Madigan.
“I think we need to draw the districts differently, make sure we have independent maps,” said Pritzker who drew applause from the party faithful when he mentioned the idea.
“I know that doesn’t stand me in good stead with the Speaker of the House, who would like to gerrymander the districts and make sure there are a lot more Democrats. I think we can win anyway,” he added.
Pritzker declared himself the most independent candidate for governor in a long time.
“I’ve run a completely independent campaign,” Pritzker said.
“People don’t go to Mike Madigan because they want to win a popularity contest by having his endorsement. They go to him because he can be helpful to them by raising money. I have not raised any outside dollars,” said the billionaire businessman.
Pritzker continued to avoid specifics when talking about his support for a progressive income tax that raises taxes on the wealthy. He pledged a grass roots campaign rather than dismissing downstate voters who typically vote Republican.
Howard Packowitz can be reached at [email protected]