By Nancy Cruse
Ladies, who among us would turn down the chance to have the body of a Victoria’s Secret model? And guys, would you jump at the chance to have the body Patrick Swayze had in the skit on Saturday Night Live when he and Chris Farley auditioned to be Chippendale Dancers?
These images are what our society believes to be “ideal” body types. We judge others by their bodies as well as ourselves. I hear women say things about themselves like: “I hate my thighs” or “If only I didn’t have flabby arms” Even worse, I hear people say things like: “She’d be so pretty if she lost 30 pounds” or “I cannot believe anyone that obese would go out in public in a swimsuit.”
Body shaming has reached alarming proportions. Social media has brought awareness of the issue but has also provided more opportunities for it to occur. A woman on Facebook posted a picture of herself in a swimsuit and was called brave. Brave? It makes it sound like wearing a swimsuit in public is only for those with perfect bodies. Is there a law somewhere about who is entitled to wear one?
People know they are fat – you don’t have to tell them or make them feel bad about it. When did pouring a dose of shame on someone who already feels bad about themselves bring about a positive result?
Our bodies are simply the vessels that hold the essence of who we are. Shame on us if we discount the worth and value of another human being all because of what their exterior looks like. Shame on us if we don’t use our talents and abilities to their fullest because our bodies carry a few extra pounds.
Treat people with dignity and respect. Always. Never base your opinion of someone on whether or not they have a muffin top. Base it on their thoughts, words, and actions. To paraphrase Dr. Seuss, ”A person’s a person no matter how small – or large.”
Nancy Cruse has been part of the Bloomington/Normal community for the past almost 30 years. A widow, with five children, along with her late husband was a small business owner in downtown Bloomington. Now employed by State Farm, Nancy is active in the community, writing the Clare House newsletter and maintaining their Facebook page, hosting an annual Fourth of July Food Drive, a team leader and fundraiser for the Pat Nohl Lupus Walk, and a member of Toastmasters International, as well as volunteering in various capacities at Holy Trinity Church and schools. In her spare time, Nancy likes to run, bike, hike, read, sew, and be a vegetarian who occasionally indulges in a Schooners Tenderloin.
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