By Eric Stock
CONGERVILLE – It is now a recovery mission in Woodford County where a kayaker went missing on the Mackinaw River on Sunday.
“We are not giving up,” Congerville fire chief Kevin Wiegand said. “We are planning on finding Abel Martinez.”
Wiegand said crews searching for the last three days haven’t found any footprints or any evidence that might lead them to the 24-year-old Martinez whose kayak capsized on the river between Congerville and Goodfield on Sunday afternoon.
“We have searched two times and a lot of it three times and we have come up with no clues,” Wiegand said. “We have found no clues, no evidence, no footprints.”
Search crews made up mostly of dive teams and boaters will resume the search on Wednesday morning.
Wiegand stressed those on the search haven’t given up hope they will find Martinez.
“The family needs your prayers,” Wiegand said. contributed to this report.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].