By Adam Studzinski
BLOOMINGTON – Neither State Sen. Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) nor State Rep. Dan Brady (R-Bloomington) were surprised by Gov. Bruce. Rauner’s decision Thursday to veto the remaining budget items passed by the General Assembly.
The bills would have left Illinois with a $4 billion budget deficit.
“I fully understand the governor needing to do this. You can’t sign a budget that’s $4 billion out of balance. He’s taking the responsible action,” said Bill. “We’re going to have to roll up our sleeves (and) work day and night, as he said, to get the job done that people trusted us to do.”
Dan said it’s back to the drawing board for lawmakers.
“It’s going to be a long summer from the standpoint that now we have not only state agencies, but other providers – social service agencies, appropriations for higher education – that are going to be in awe without a budget for FY 16,” Dan said.
Bill still holds out some hope a budget can be approved by July 1.
“It can happen. It should happen,” said Bill. “We’ve had plenty of discussions. The Democrats have the majority party in Springfield, but they so far have refused to accept reality.”
Dan was not as hopeful.
“I, at this stage, do not hold out any hope for a budget by July 1,” Dan said.
Dan added until the Democratic leaders in the legislature and governor begin talking to each other, Illinois will remain in a stalemate.
Adam Studzinski can be reached at [email protected].