By Bill Fike
Some years ago in the late seventies, I had an elderly customer suggest that if I had the desire to see the world, I should not wait for retirement to do so. He recommended to travel worldwide in my younger years, because in many cases, one has health issues after retirement that makes it impossible to travel abroad.
Well, I am glad that I took this man’s advice from so many years ago. My wife and I have been very fortunate, and have been able to travel many places throughout the world in our younger years. I have crossed the “pond” five times, while my wife has crossed the “pond” four times.
However, last month my wife and I, even after retirement and with our current health situations, had one more trip in us! Fortunately we were able to travel to Italy with fellow parishioners from Historic St. Patrick’s Church, and parishioners from Holy Trinity; led by Father Jeff Windy.
Visit Italy if you can, whether or not you are Catholic. The country is wonderful, the Italians love Americans, and many spoke English.
The countryside is beautiful, the city and towns are rich in history, the roads are superior, and the bathrooms are super clean! (I experienced some of the most dreadful bathrooms in Russia.)
My wife and I are definitely going back if our health continues to improve, and spend more time at the Vatican; St. Peter’s Basilica, Sistine Chapel, (where the Popes are elected), and the Papal Museum with all of its wonderful works of art.
So I am going to pass on the same advice to all the younger members of the radio audience, as my customer passed on to me some 35 years ago. If you dream of seeing and experiencing other countries and cultures, travel before retirement age if you are able. Retirement is a marvelous time of life, but regrettably with retirement can also come health problems. I have certainly had my share!
Bill Fike owned and operated Winnie’s of Bloomington, Inc., (Winnie’s Menswear) from 1973 until his retirement in May of 2009. Bill also owned Churchill’s Formal Wear, LTD. from 1996 until he sold Churchill’s to James Carroll in March 2007. Bill and Cheryl just celebrated 40 years of marriage this past June 12, 2011 and they have one son, Joseph, and one daughter, Carmen. Bill was in the second graduating class of Illinois Central College in 1971, and then went on to Clark School of Aviation-Flight, obtaining both VFR and IFR flight certificates. Bill has been able to trace his family heritage back to his great, great, great grandfather’s family, A.C. Herron’s, (on grandmother’s side), who was one of the original settlers of Bloomington.
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