By Eric Stock
PEORIA – An agency that provides therapy to about 1,600 children in Central Illinois is scrambling to get caught up after being closed for a week.
Child and Family Connections Early Intervention program which is administered by Easter Seals laid off 40 workers on July 1, only to bring them back on Wednesday after Easter Seals floated a line of credit to temporarily keep its doors open while waiting for a state budget.
“Two-thirds of our funding is federal and that money has already come from the federal government to the State of Illinois, but Illinois has not released that money to us,” said Maggie Jones, Child and Family Connections manager. “We are stuck in this budget issue and we don’t need to be”
Jones told WJBC’s Dan Swaney those who rely on their services should call their lawmakers and urge them to pass a budget.
“People who have a vested interest in this (should) reach out to their legislators and let them know we need a budget and we need a budget that doesn’t cut early intervention,” Jones said.
Jones said the office is now trying to get caught up after dozens of referrals couldn’t be processed.
“Sixteen different services, all of those referrals sat on a desk for seven days,” Jones said. “When we are shut down because of this budget game, it’s the families who are paying and the children.”
The Illinois House passed a one-month budget on Thursday, but the measure requires a vote in the Illinois Senate and Gov. Bruce Rauner has threatened to veto.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].