This is Pamela Sweetwood for WJBCs forum.
This week I was able to see The End of the Tour, the new movie featuring David Foster Wallace the acclaimed author who made Bloomington Normal home.
In the movie and to those who knew him, it was obvious he loved his dogs. The movie features Jeeves and a dog he took in. I’d like to share a story of the next dog in his life, Werner.
Werner’s beginning was indeed tragic. He and another pup were neglected on a hot summer day. The Humane Society was notified. Sadly his sibling died from the experience. Werner’s troubles were not over. He tested positive for parvovirus and had severe burns. Wallace chose to adopt him from the humane society and continue his care.
Not every pet can be saved but for those that are you want the best for them. Wallace kindly agreed to share Werner for a before and after profile. I was lucky to meet Werner in his home. He was a super happy dog and very loved.
Few are willing to adopt an imperfect pet. Seeing that for years, I only take in pets others won’t consider. Wallace saw a dog that deserved better and he knew, as do I, that pets who are abused, neglected, sick, older or unpretty, are deserving of second chances and love offered to them. Anyone who has experienced this knows the impact made. They experience the extremes of mankind.
Wallace is known for his intellect and creativity. His kindness and heart towards animals was just as remarkable too.
This is Pamela Sweetwood for WJBC’s forum
Pamela Sweetwood was an ISU student, like many, who never left town. She works in higher education and has a history with many community non-profits organizations.
The opinions expressed within WJBC’s Forum are solely those of the Forum’s author, and are not necessarily those of WJBC or Cumlus Media, Inc.