By Joe Ragusa
BLOOMINGTON – Employees of the David Davis Mansion are feeling some constraints due to the budget showdown in Springfield.
Acting site manager Jeannie Riordan said the museum relies on state funding for its day-to-day operations and because of that, the mansion hasn’t been able to pay its bills.
“How long do you ask Ameren not to take any money before they decide, ‘That’s long enough,'” Riordan said.
Riordan told WJBC’s Terry James that the museum is grateful for its private foundation and its donors.
“I don’t want to ask them to pay the Ameren bill,” Riordan said. “But if I had to, they probably could come up with it at least once.”
Riordan said most of the organizations the museum owes money to understand the problem and are working under the impression that they will be paid once the state figures out a budget.
Joe Ragusa can be reached at [email protected].