By WJBC Staff
NORMAL – A snow parking ban will go into effect on all streets within the Town of Normal effective at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, January 9, 2016 and will remain in effect until further notice. The police department may ticket vehicles parked on the street.
When a parking ban is activated, no parked cars are permitted on any streets in the Town of Normal. Cars must be moved off the streets to a driveway, garage or parking lot. Residents who do not have a driveway or garage may park their cars for free in the parking lots of the Town’s parks, including but not limited to: Anderson, Fairview, and Underwood. For questions regarding the status of the parking lots, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (309) 454-9540.
A snow parking ban is activated to allow snow plow crews to clear the entire street including parking areas. For your safety, when approaching operating salt vehicles, stay at least 100 feet behind the equipment. It is inadvisable to pass salt or plow trucks.