By Greg Bishop/Illinois Radio Network
SPRINGFIELD – The office impacted by proposed changes to automatically register voters at the DMV has some questions.
Several Democratic State Senators came out in support of a measure from state Sen. Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) that would change the current voter registration opt-in system at drivers facilities around the state to an opt-out system.
Secretary of State Jesse White’s Press Secretary Dave Druker said implementing a new program during a budget impasse raises new challenges.
“You don’t to get into a project,” Druker said, “and find out you can’t finish it.”
Manar and others said they want Illinois to be a leader on automatic voter registration but Druker said their office is hoping to lead other states.
“There are two other states that have begun to do this,” Druker said, “California and Oregon and we’d like to see how that playouts too.”
The measure, Senate Bill 2134, was introduced last year and could come up during the spring session.