By Terry James
BLOOMINGTON – The former senior advisor to President Barack Obama has made a commitment to Eureka College.
David Axelrod will deliver the commencement speech this spring. Eureka College President J. David Arnold explained how the connection was made.
“It’s all about people and relationships,” Arnold said. “We had the opportunity to visit his institute; we didn’t meet with Mr. Axelrod personally. It just seemed like a great fit to have him as our commencement speaker.”
Arnold said Axelrod has some great lessons to teach those graduating college.
“He essentially has so much experience in terms of politics and elections,” said Arnold. “What I think he will do is inspire our graduates to remain civically engaged and to vote.”
Axelrod is not the most famous person to give a commencement speech at the small college. That would be Eureka Alum President Ronald Reagan.
Terry James can be reached at [email protected].