By FarmWeekNow/WFMB
PEORIA – The Republican party of Illinois has voted to stay the course of defining marriage between one man and one woman.
The decision was met with spirited debate at the Republican’s annual convention in Peoria over the weekend. Both sides of the argument were heard during debate of delegates.
Former Illinois GOP chairman Pat Brady told WJBC’s Scott Laughlin he urged the party to back off on its opposition to same-sex marriage not only to help grow the party, but also – he said – to do what’s right.
PODCAST: Listen to Scott’s interview with Brady on WJBC.
“We are supposed to be party of individual liberties,” Brady said. “We are the party of Lincoln and Everett Dirksen and Ronald Reagan. It’s what they stood for. To me it’s inconsistent with Rep and the conservative view of government.”
Brady was forced out of his leadership post in 2013 largely because of his stance supporting gay marriage.
Those who encouraged a change to “non-traditional families are worthy of the same respect and legal protections as traditional families” were treated to boos and a shout to “go home.” Supporters of traditional-marriage said that rank and file Republican’s supported holding to the message.
Illinois legalized same-sex marriage in 2014.