By Ron Ulmer
Today is Election Day. It is every citizen’s responsibility to cast informed votes. However, if we truly want a government of the people, by the people and for the people, we the people need to be involved daily.
Would more than a few of us citizen’s desire any of these real scenarios that have occurred?
- Most McLean Co & Illinois students are behind grade level in math and English.
- The state is reneging on its obligation to fully fund school districts.
- Meanwhile, schools are spending scarce resources to change restroom and locker room policies and their design to accommodate students who psychologically identify their gender differently from their physical gender.
- Additionally, yet we observe state and local governments paying for Constitution Trail extensions to Towanda and Funks Grove while school districts are underfunded.
- We raised sales Tax in McLean County 1% to pay for
- Care for the mentally ill because the state has failed to meet its obligation to the mentally ill.
- Increased the local operational subsidy for Connect Transit to help subsidize the new route schedules, new night schedule and new Sunday Service.
- Connect Transit just sent most of its employees a 60 day layoff notice because the State is far behind in paying their portion of the operational subsidy.
- Therefore Connect Transit just spent much money on new and extended service and new buses, but may lack funding to continue to operate. Does any of this make sense?
Our tax dollars are frequently spent in a way that few of us would desire or vote for. One major contributing factor is that after voting, few of us get involved in the decision making process. When was the last time you sent an email or letter to an elected official, talked to a public official or attended a public meeting and provided input to the process? Voting today is just the beginning of your citizen responsibility. Please get involved for the sake of your town, state and the Nation.
Ron Ulmer is an economist, have taught economics/finance at 3 central Illinois universities and employed by Illinois Power as a Senior Rate Analyst, supervisor of economic research, Market Program Manager. Now retired, Current member Normal Kiwanis, past 25 year member Optimist International Service Club, Property owner and manager in Normal for 37 years ongoing.
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