By Adam Studzinski
BLOOMINGTON – President-elect Donald Trump is doing a good job being more presidential since the election, according to U.S. Rep. Darin LaHood (R-Peoria).
LaHood told WJBC’s Scott Laughlin that’s a “good thing.”
“The rhetoric has been toned down. He’s acted very conciliatory. He’s taken the job very seriously,” LaHood said.
LaHood added Trump is surrounding himself with smart people.
“Picking Mike Pence to lead the transition, Reince Preibus as the Chief of Staff are two excellent picks. I think there are many things we can start working on,” said LaHood. “But, remember, I think one of the biggest things that came out this election is people are really unsatisfied with the economy.”
LaHood said Trump has talked about an infrastructure bill, which he would support. Trump has also mentioned fixing Obamacare. LaHood said even Hillary Clinton agreed Obamacare needs to be fixed.
Adam Studzinski can be reached at [email protected].