By Jim Fisher
After eight years of “change” I am hoping we can get away from it and change back to the way we were. And one of those changes we need to get away from is diversity. I see that term all over, in our government, in the work place, on the news, on campuses, we are diverse. The adaptation of the word seems be used to emphasize racial issues whatever the circumstance may be. It’s never made sense to me. The actual meaning of the word is:Showing a great deal of variety. In the political sense do we want our party to be a variety of events? I want my politicians to stand for something to be strong together. In the work place do you really want “differing element or qualities?” Not me, I want only the best. The word seems to be construed today to focus on social differences. Where your parents or grandparents are from,celebrate diversity? Come on,if you want to celebrate the country or culture of your grandparents or ancestors that is called heritage not diversity. Celebrate your family’s heritage. Heritage is something you can be proud of. But if you live in the United States of America we celebrate our unity as a nation. At least that is my hope for the next administration to come back to. Unite means to bring or come together for a common purpose, to strengthen, to pull together. Unity is our heritage in the United States after all it is part of our name.
In 2000 the European Union adopted a motto of “United in diversity” that makes about as much sense as “Up is down” or “On is off”. A quote describing the motto states “the many different cultures and traditions are a positive…” Boy that has worked out well for them hasn’t it.
So with this next administration I hope that diversity can be eliminated from our culture. For our “motto” is: “one nation(not differing elements of a nation), under God (the true sovereign God), with liberty (that is Freedom) and justice for all”
Jim Fisher has lived on a small farm outside of Hudson for 30 years. Jim has been married to Jayne for 36 years. Together they have raised two daughters. (no grandchildren). Jim has served on the Unit Five Board of Education. Jim works with the McLean County Tea Party.
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