By Camille Taylor
“Is there really a Santa Claus?”
Whether you’ve dealt with that question recently or many years ago, you probably dreaded the day you were asked. For example, when my stepdaughter, Stephanie, asked my husband this question at about age 8, it was obvious she was afraid to get the “real answer”.
So my wise husband asked her if she found out there wasn’t a Santa Claus would she be afraid there would be no presents? She tearfully responded, “Yes.” So, then he asked her if it made a difference if the presents came from him or a man in a red suit. She thought for a moment and then said, “No.” So then he said, “Well Stephanie, there is a Santa Claus” and if you don’t believe in Santa Claus, you don’t believe in nothin’!
Fortunately, Santa Claus (aka the WJBC Brotherhood Tree) has been serving needy families in McLean County for forty-seven years. Currently over 22,000 people in McLean County (about 9%) live in poverty. Consequently, focusing on day to day survival is primary, while the pressures of Christmas can be an overwhelming. The emphasis this year will be to serve children ages infants through 18 years old. The program relies on getting referrals from schools and other agencies that have identified families who could use some extra help. Then the Brotherhood Tree depends on getting between seven and eight hundred volunteers (people like us) to donate gifts and do jobs like making nametags, wrapping and sorting presents, and delivering the gifts to the homes.
Gift collection at drop-offs all over town goes through December 14th. From Monday, December 12th-Friday, December 16th, volunteers are needed at the National Guard Armory on South Main St. in Bloomington from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. On Saturday, December 17th, beginning at 8 a.m., Santas, like us, are needed to show up at the Armory, pick up a few bags, and give some families a chance to have a few gifts and some holiday cheer. Even if you can’t volunteer your time, you could pick up a small gift and/or donate money to the cause.
So, if you believe it’s better to give than to receive, help make this Christmas a little brighter for children in our community.