By Jim Fisher
I went to an event at the McLean County Interstate Center. I bought something that was over a hundred dollars so I was a little surprised at the added sales tax. 9% I was told. Here in McLean County the sales tax is almost 9%. Now I know that Bloomington and Normal are competing with their taxes in entertainment and gasoline which is why I don’t by gas in Bloomington or Normal any more. I guess I’ll have to look elsewhere to shop too because McLean is one of the highest taxed counties in the state of Illinois
And let’s see, what do I get for all those taxes: I’m thinking,.. Oh streets full of pot holes. Coliseum
But didn’t Normal build those Up-Town hotels incentivized with tax dollars while the hotels on North Main closed. And isn’t Bloomington trying to build a downtown Hotel to go with the failing Coliseum? Aren’t there several empty hotels in Bloomington on the West side?Near the Metro Zone. You know, where they built that big mass transit facility with all those monster blue busses that are mostly empty and expanding the potholes.
Politicians say if they build more at tax payers’ expense it will “attract” consumers?Attract consumers to what? Several major retailers are closing their doors in McLean County. What does it take to get through to a politician; that any time the government does something to a community, it fails. But most of what the people in a community do for the community succeeds. The government is supposed to be only a tool of the people.Think of what we the people could accomplish if we didn’t have to pay so much in taxes and had good roads.
Jim Fisher has lived on a small farm outside of Hudson for 30 years. Jim has been married to Jayne for 36 years. Together they have raised two daughters. (no grandchildren). Jim has served on the Unit Five Board of Education. Jim works with the McLean County Tea Party.
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