By Eric Stock
BLOOMINGTON – Is there a choice between a better economy or better climate?
Mexico’s recent former President Felipe Calderón will explore that question in a lecture he will give at Illinois Wesleyan on Wednesday.
Greg Koos with the Adlai Stevenson Lecture Series Board of Directors told WJBC’s Scott Laughlin and Patti Penn, Calderon helped transform Mexico’s energy policy to rely less on oil and more on renewable fuel.
PODCAST: Listen to Scott and Patti’s interview with Koos on WJBC.
“As the buggy was set aside for the automobile and Detroit grew, the oil industry will essentially be set aside for new forms of energy, for replaceable energy sources,” Koos said.
The lecture begins at 7:30 at Westbrook Auditorium.
The Stevenson Lecture Series was established by a group of local civic leaders to honor the legacy of Bloomington native Adlai E. Stevenson II, former governor of Illinois and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, after his death in 1965. The series is co-hosted by Illinois State University and Illinois Wesleyan.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].