By Eric Stock
NORMAL – More than three dozen ballots that could tip the scales in the race for Normal mayor still haven’t been counted.
Three-term incumbent Chris Koos leads Bloomington High School teacher Marc Tiritilli by seven votes, though it could take two weeks for all the outstanding ballots to be turn in and counted.
McLean County Clerk Kathy Michael said as of Tuesday night the town still had 34 outstanding absentee ballots and four provisional ballots to be turned in.
PODCAST: Listen to Susan’s interview with Michael on WJBC.
Michael told WJBC’s Susan Saunders 13 absentee ballots came in the mail on Wednesday, and her office is seeking guidance on whether those results can be published each day.
“Everybody is waiting to see what these 13 results are going to show and I don’t think we can reveal those for two weeks,” Michael said. “We could be getting (ballots) every single day.”
Michael added she has received inquires about a possible recount in Normal, but the results won’t even be final for two weeks.
She said she hasn’t received any requests for a recount in Lexington where former police chief Spencer Johansen defeated three-term mayor John Mohr by 15 votes.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].