By Eric Stock
WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Channahon, said the recent shooting of a fellow congressman is proof that political discourse in the United States has to improve.
Kinzinger said he had received death threats and he’s not the only one who has received them. Kinzinger told WJBC’s Scott Laughlin and Patti Penn threatening comments posted online are sent to Capitol Police.
“They have a process to determine if in fact it’s a real threat,” Kinzinger said. “They talk to the person and in some cases legal action can be taken. Everybody needs to know when you post on Facebook, if you post a threat to somebody’s life, that is taken very seriously.”
Kinzinger recently posted on his own Facebook page some of the threats he has received. One said ‘Too bad you weren’t on second base’ when U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise, (R-La.) was shot during a practice for a charity baseball game two weeks ago.
Kinzigner said caustic political rhetoric has become too caustic on both sides of the political aisle.
Airplane seats
A measure that would required the FAA to set minimum seat sizes on commercial airlines has been approved by a congressional committee. Kinzinger, a sponsor of the measure, said it’s a safety issue, especially if passengers need to evacuate.
“Consumers and the government need an answer to that,” Kinzinger said. “Airplanes play an important role, but as some point you can make enough money and still provide safety for people and that’s what we are asking.”
Kinzinger added that passengers squeezed into seats the are too small also suffer an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis.
Kinzinger is applauded the federal government’s move to withdraw the Waters of the U-S or the so-called Clean Water Rule.
“It was a big government overreach to say basically any standing water will be regulated,” Kinzinger said. “All you have to do is listen to the experts (farmers) and they would say this was bad.”
U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth slammed the move saying that it “puts children and families – especially those in low-income or rural areas – are at great risk of being exposed to contaminated water.”
Eric Stock can be reached at eric.stock@cumulus.com.