By Eric Stock
BLOOMINGTON – Several dozen Red Cross volunteers in Central and Southern Illinois are headed to Texas to assist with relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and the floods that devastated the Houston area.
Red Cross spokeswoman Trish Burnett told WJBC’s Scott Laughlin and Patti Penn volunteers will serve in two-to-three week deployments and more volunteers will be headed south to relieve the first wave of volunteers.
“We see people – I can’t even imagine – flogging through the water knowing you don’t have dry clothes, you don’t have whatever ready accessible,” Burnett said. “We want to make sure those items are there for people; they have a cot, they have a blanket, they have a toothbrush, toothpaste, everything they need for immediate needs.”
Burnett said Harvey is a crisis that won’t be resolved any time soon.
“We will be rotating volunteers in from our area and across the country for weeks to come, because this is not something that’s going to be fixed and over with anytime soon,” Burnett said.
Burnett said it’s great that so many people want to help, but she warns against just driving to Houston to offer your services.
The Red Cross is accepting donations to the relief effort in Texas. You can text HARVEY to 90999. That will make a $10 donation.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].