By Howard Packowitz
The five executives, accused of stealing one-point-one million dollars from Bloomington taxpayers while operating the city’s downtown sports arena, pleaded not guilty Friday in McLean County Court today.
Arraignments are typically routine hearings. These were not, as media, defendants, lawyers, and other spectators packed Judge Casey Costigan’s small courtroom.
In the courtroom was Bloomington City Attorney Jeffrey Jurgens, who said the legal process has started, and “we’ll wait for the resolution.”
Assistant State’s Attorney Adam Ghrist wheeled in boxes containing just over two-thousand exhibits, which will be provided to the defense.
Defendants have hired some of Central Illinois’ best known lawyers to represent them. Only one of the defendants requested a public defender.
Former prosecutor Stephanie Wong will defend Bart Rogers, who’s charged with 13 criminal counts.
Central Illinois Arena Management President John Butler has hired well-known Champaign-Urbana attorney Steven Beckett, who says his client has a stellar reputation.
“This case is about business, and business practices, and proper accounting for funds and my client has done that, and done it the right way,” said Beckett about his client John Butler.
Butler is charged with 44 counts. Beckett said the arena’s financial problems are the city’s fault because they drew up the contract with CIAM, and hired the auditors.
“It’s the City of Bloomington’s arena and Central Illinois arena management agreed to manage that arena with the city, under a contract that the city developed and for city officials to publicly after these charges have been filed, to complain about that contract seems a little disingenuous to me,” said Beckett.
The judge is allowing Butler to leave the state while he’s out on bond. Beckett says Butler frequently travels for his job as a hockey league executive.
The five defendants are scheduled to appear in court again November 3rd.
Howard Packowitz can be reached at [email protected]