By Howard Packowitz
NORMAL – It’s not mismanagement that led Unit 5 schools to break from a tradition of balanced budgets, but rather a “perfect storm” of factors out of the district’s control, according to Superintendent Mark Daniel.
He delivered a first-of-its-kind State of the District address Wednesday night at Normal Community High School, and said the economy is still recovering from recession, property values are declining, there’s less federal aid for education, and enrollment is leveling off.
Daniel said enrollment is now the key to receiving state government aid, so the economy has to grow.
“Enrollment now drives revenue. It’s not average daily attendance. So, the key is we need to figure out how to develop and expand our local economy because we need growth. Growth means additional revenue,” said Daniel.
Unit 5 is currently running a $1.2 million structural deficit.
The superintendent credited the arts, music, and foreign language classes for a higher graduation rate. It stands at 91 percent, from 87 percent a decade ago.
He said the district is teaching kids at a very young age to work in small groups, and Daniel added that mental illness is a part of everyday life in Unit 5.
“We are a microcosm of our society and mental illness is there – and I want to tell you, we deal with it even in pre-K, kindergarten, through 12th grade,” Daniel added.
Daniel is also pushing for a more diverse staff to mirror a more culturally diverse student body.
“This is a huge piece because our student body is about 30 percent different than me and those students need to see a model that they can relate to as well,” the superintendent said.
Daniel praised what he said is Unit 5’s “complete program” of education.
“So whether you’re interested in trade school, an apprenticeship after high school, if you’re interested in a two-year degree or a four-year degree, if you’re interested in a career right after high school, we need to think of the total package for our students. I like to think of it as we have a smorgasbord, but it is a fine tasting smorgasbord.”
Howard Packowitz can be reached at [email protected]