By Eric Stock
PEORIA – A veteran executive in the healthcare and insurance industries has taken over as CEO of OSF HealthCare.
Robert Sehring said he wants to continue collaborations that focus on patient-centered care.
“How do we think about the entire continuum not just about a particular service that we provide in the hospital or in an ambulatory setting,” Sehring said. “But it’s really meeting the patients where they are and providing them what they need.”
Sehring has been with OSF since 2002 after holding executive positions with Aetna, New York Life, and Metropolitan Life Insurance.
“As we look forward, we certainly look to our both state and federal leaders to really work collaboratively to develop the programs that best support those that are in the greatest need,” Sehring said. “Those are in our communities, are in every one of our communities, it is those with less those who rely on Medicaid, those who rely on other governmental support.
“Certainly we’re there and we want to be part of their support system and to be able to provide care as we have long done without regard to their ability to pay. We’d certainly like to be effective partners with both the state and federal governments in the effort to provide that care.”
He replaces Kevin Schoeplein who retired following over a 39-year career with The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis.
Since January, Sehring has served as Chief Operating Officer for the Ministry, working closely with Schoeplein on the CEO transition.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].