By Greg Halbleib
BLOOMINGTON – The director of the Bloomington Public Library says that after nearly two decades of discussions about where the library should expand or move, the library board has chosen to go on record that it wants the facility to stay put.
The library’s executive director, Jeanne Hamilton, said the resolution does not bind the library, but it’s simply the board expressing its desire to stay on Olive Street.
A downtown task force recently recommended building a new library on the Market Street parking garage location to serve as part of a catalyst project designed to boost the downtown economy.
Hamilton said expansion has been discussed in many ways for many years, and the board wanted to officially express its view.
“After 18 years of discussion, they really wanted to come out and say that they feel the best solution for the community is to focus on expansion of the facility in the existing location, and exploring collaborations where it made sense as well,” Hamilton said.
The library board also unanimously voted to pay Farnsworth Group nearly $15,000 to develop possible options and visions for the facility according to Hamilton.
“Looking at more details of a conceptual site plan, what phases could take place, funding options for that,” Hamilton explained.
Some estimates show expansion or relocation of the library would cost as much as $31 million dollars.
Greg Halbleib can be reached at [email protected].