By Eric Stock
BLOOMINGTON – State Sen. Jason Barickman, R-Bloomington, said it’s time to take politics out of the gun control debate.
Barickman said he was troubled that a measure state lawmakers approved on Wednesday to license gun dealers exempted the big box stores.
PODCAST: Listen to Scott’s interview with Barickman on WJBC.
“It just strikes you as odd… if these are legitimate solutions, then why are we picking and choosing who has to comply with them?,” Barickman asked.
Barickman suggested the law would unfairly hurt owners of smaller gun shops at the expense of the larger retailers.
Gov. Bruce Rauner said he’s not ready to comment on any of the gun bills, saying they are all ‘fluid’ but he said compromise will be necessary. He accused Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan of refusing to engage with Republicans.
“I’m referring specifically to gun legislation although that behavior has gone on in other issues too, not but just guns, where the Speaker has jammed legislation without making it really bipartisan,” Rauner said.
Rauner was in Central Illinois on Wednesday to tour Morton Industries and discussed proposed budget and tax cuts with employees.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].