By Eric Stock
BLOOMINGTON – Tuesday is primary day in Illinois.
The polls open at 6 a.m. and will remain open until 7 p.m. The races expected to generate the most voter interest are at the state level, where first-term Gov. Bruce Rauner faces a primary challenge from State Rep. Jeanne Ives of Wheaton. There are six candidates seeking the democratic nomination for governor.
There are eight Democrats and two Republicans vying to replace Lisa Madigan who is not seeking a fifth term as Illinois Attorney General.
State Rep. Dan Brady, R-Bloomington, faces a primary challenge from David Paul Blumenshine as Brady seeks his 10th term in the legislature.
Two McLean County Board seats are up for grabs as longtime board member Paul Segobiano faces a challenge from fellow Democrat Shayna Watchinski. Republicans Gerald Thompson and Jeremiah Houston are seeking nomination to the County Board seat that Don Cavillini is leaving.
There are five Democrats seeking to challenge Republican U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis of Taylorville in November. GOP Rep. Darin LaHood of Peoria faces a primary challenge from Donald Rients and there are three Democratic challengers.
Tri-Valley is looking to use $15 million in bonds for a remodeling of its high school in Downs.
WJBC will bring you all the election results after the polls close on 1230 AM, WJBC.com and on our Twitter and Facbook pages.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].