By Eric Stock
WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., backs President Donald Trump’s military action in Syria but said he worries about the risk of another protracted military involvement overseas.
Durbin told WJBC’s Scott Laughlin he had a recent discussion with Defense Secretary James Mattis in which Durbin said stepping up attacks on Syria could eventually make this another Afghanistan, a country which the United States hasn’t left 17 years since the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
PODCAST: Listen to Scott’s interview with Durbin on WJBC.
“The question is is the United States going to assume this responsibility?’ “Durbin asked. “It’s expensive but it’s also dangerous. We lose Americans, they die as a result of it.
“We have to make a real conscious discussion. Is this worth American’s treasure and American lives.”
Durbin said he wants to know what’s next in curtailing the Assad regime which has gassed its own people. Durbin said Congress must play a role in that discussion. Trump did not consult Congress before announcing missile strike last week.
It appears ex-governor Rod Blagojevich’s only hope for an early release for prison is for president Trump to intervene, but Blagojevich can find a sympathetic ear in Durbin.
“I think a 14-year sentence was outrageous,” Durbin said. “It went way beyond any standard that is applied in federal sentencing. I though that from the start.
“He served six years, I don’t know what the right number is.”
Durbin acknowledged what Blagojevich did was wrong. he tried to sell former President Obama’s U.S. Senate seat. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected Blagojevich’s request for an appeal for a second time.
Durbin added he doubts President Trump will pardon the former governor.
Eric Stock can be reached at [email protected].