By Illinois Radio Network
CHICAGO – Cubs’ fans win again.
Illinois’ bicentennial voters have picked Wrigley Field as the state’s best building over the past 200 years.
Wrigley has been open for nearly half of the state’s life, and the Chicago Cubs were lovable losers for about that long, too.
Chris Wills of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency said people may be surprised that the Willis Tower or the John Hancock Center didn’t get second.
“Wrigley Field was followed by the Dana Thomas House in Springfield,” Wills said. “But that’s not the only [Frank Lloyd] Wright house on the list. Voters selected the Roby House up in Springfield at No. 5.”
Wills said the rest of the top buildings were an eclectic mix.
“We had the Baha’i House of Worship up in Wilmette coming in at No. 3. That’s just a magnificent building that maybe not enough people know about, ” Wills said. “The Sears Tower, now known as the Willis Tower, is near the top of the list. It came in at No. 4.”
David Davis Mansion is Bloomington was among the choices.
Illinois is putting together a Top 200 list of the best people, places, and things in the state’s history. Voters are choosing the best historic spots in the state this week. People can vote and see the winners at IllinoisTop200.com.