By Greg Halbleib
LEROY – A local school administrator recognized Tuesday in Springfield said he’s grateful that the worthwhile work of leading youths is being celebrated.
LeRoy Superintendent Gary Tipsord was one of 26 administrators recognized in the fourth annual Superintendents of Distinction and Illinois Principals Association Awards of Excellence Luncheon.
Tipsord said he was gratified to see that LeRoy’s personal touch is present in other successful schools.
“What we got to see was the impact that people have on one another, how much relationships matter to growing the capacity of leadership,” Tipsord said. “We got to see that theme throughout.”
Tipsord said he appreciated a quote during Tuesday’s luncheon that schools’ efforts should be celebrated because their success requires many people.
“When you’re working in the interest of children, that’s truly worthwhile work,” Tipsord recalled. “We need to take the time and opportunity to celebrate the all the good work of our teachers, of our staff, of our principals, not just the superintendents but everything that makes what we do possible. That’s everyone who interacts with our kids.”
Regional colleagues chose Tipsord for the honor.
Greg Halbleib can be reached at greg@wjbc.com.