By Blake Haas
CLINTON – A DeWitt County resident is not a big fan of the proposed wind turbines that he said could turn his countryside near Wapella into an industrial park.
A proposed wind turbine project in DeWitt County has the possibility of building some of the largest turbines in the area, but the Zoning Board of Appeals could shut it down.
“They were going to put them right outside my window, but now because of the zoning problem they moved (the proposed turbines) a bit, and where I live will be phase two,” said Dale Nafziger, who lives northwest of Wapella where the proposed turbines would be built.
“When they start to put them close to you, you start to see the red flashing lights all night long and it’s amazing how much noise they make.”
Nafziger said with the Zoning Board split in half, he’s hoping to get the message out to Zoning Board members on how his land could soon be towered by wind turbines.
“The big problem is that they (wind turbine builders) are measuring from the foundation of your house rather than your property line,” said Nafziger.
“So if you have a large property the wind (turbines) might be literally right over your property almost.”
The DeWitt County Zoning Board of Appeals will meet August 22 at 6 p.m. at the DeWitt County Courthouse. Nafziger said this is a prime opportunity for DeWitt County residents to voice their opinions so the problem doesn’t last 40-years.
“I think DeWitt County is a beautiful place. I bought a piece of property and I sat here in a chair. I looked around for hours just listening to the sounds, airplanes and what happens here. I choose this property because it is a beautiful nice quiet place,” said Nafziger.
“When they build these wind (turbines) they damage a lot of country roads and I hope that doesn’t happen around us. I will be in Phase two and it will just be constant and once it is done it’s done for the rest of my life. For the rest of my life I will have to put up with whatever they build.”
Blake Haas can be reached at