If you have spent any time listening to Scott Miller on WJBC over the last year you have learned he loves a resale/thrift shop /estate/garage sale!
It should be no surprise that he has adopted the name “Mission Mart Miller”…it is part of his weekly routine to see what deals he can find at The Mission Mart over on Oakland (303 E. Oakland Ave). Who doesn’t like to save a few bucks? The good news is he gets a deal and then help those in our community that need it….and you can too!
100% of net proceeds from Mission Mart benefit Home Sweet Home Ministry. HSHM serves 100,000 meals annually to the homeless. HSHM provides over 30,000 nights of shelter annually to the homeless . Each month you can check out this blog to see Scott Miller hanging out at the Mission Mart Resale Shop, showing you all the great merchandise and the investment Mission Mart Resale shop makes in our local community.
Mission Mart Miller back at it again! You can still get a winter coat for this year or be prepared for next year!