By Blake Haas
BLOOMINGTON – Despite dropping 2,267 points in the past four days with fears of the Coronavirus, two local investors are advising investors not to read today’s headlines and sellout.
With the Coronavirus spreading, Chris and John Ruedi, with Savant Capital Management said the markets are still unknown, but to keep things in perspective.
“When you look at what happened the last couple of days, it’s not insignificant,” John Ruedi said.”But when you put these things into perspective, I think that it is insignificant on the bigger scale. The unknown is what’s going to happen with manufacturing in China, what’s going to happen with production in China. When will that get back on the ground fully supported.”
Many companies such as Apple have announced a possibility of a loss of revenue due to production and manufacturing in China.
“I know you see a lot of days like this, and you listen to all of the crazy rhetoric that comes out of two days like this,” added John Ruedi. “I think the average person can get spooked, and it’s unfortunate because they don’t speak as they should.”
John Ruedi added that although the markets have seen their most significant two-day drop in history to always look forward in long-term investments.
“It’s certainly one of those things we haven’t had many days like the early part of this week here for a few years,” added John Ruedi. “But, what I keep going back too is perspective. Where are we, and what does this do? How does this affect my long term plan? I think for everyone out there, this does not affect your long-term plan.”
Blake Haas can be reached at [email protected].