By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – Springfield will welcome back the lawmakers next week. They intend to tackle the budget for next year as well as whatever is needed to address coronavirus.
State Sen. Andy Manar (D-Chicago) says the federal coronavirus stimulus bill – the CARES Act – is a great unknown. “We are still learning what was done in terms of how it will impact the state budget and the programs that we all know are priorities for the people that we represent.”
While the Senate convenes at the Capitol, the House will be at the BOS Center, with plenty of social distancing, temperature taking, and cleaning. Asked if he feels he will be safe, House Majority Leader Greg Harris (D-Chicago) paused before answering.
“I trust in the health experts who are laying out these guidelines, and I intend to follow them as best I can. I am in a risk group myself, so I am going to be attentive to it.”
The session is Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of next week.
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected]