BLOOMINGTON – An auto parts manufacturer said it is closing its Bloomington factory next year, costing 139 people their jobs.
Flexitech Inc. will close the plant located at 1719 E. Hamilton Rd., with the first layoffs to occur in June of next year, according to information the company provided to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
According to our news partner HOI ABC, Flexitech provided no reason for the plant closure. State law requires companies with 75 or more full-time employees to provide 60 days notice if they’re closing plants or planning mass layoffs.
Flexitech makes high pressure automotive brake lines, with eight locations in six countries, according to its website.
“We never want to lose one of our businesses, said Patrick Hoban, president and chief executive officer of the Bloomington-Normal Economic Development Council.
“But we are confident in our workforce programs (and) training partnerships that we will assist our dislocated workers in filling current and future job openings,” Hoban also said in a prepared statement.
Flexitech’s other U.S. location is in New Boston, Michigan.
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