By Neil Doyle
BLOOMINGTON – Local police and McLean County Coroner Kathy Yoder want to remind people to stay safe this holiday weekend, especially with a rise in fatalities from traffic crashes in the county.
Yoder said there have been five traffic crash fatalities in the last few weeks with many other accidents in the area. In comparison, McLean County had 11 total crash-related fatalities in 2018 and 14 all of last year.
“Please be mindful of the other vehicles, pedestrians, motorcycles, bicyclists, and workers on the roadway this holiday to save lives,” Yoder said in a news release.
Normal Police Department spokesperson Brad Park told WJBC’s Marc Strauss there will be more patrols out this weekend.
“The Fourth of July weekend is obviously a very big weekend for drunk driving so we are upping the patrols to keep the roads safe for everybody and make sure everyone makes it home safe,” said Park.
Some tips from the National Highway Traffic Association – wear your seat belt, don’t speed, and don’t drive intoxicated.
Neil Doyle can be reached at [email protected]
Traffic Safety Advisory: Concerning Rise in Fatalities from Traffic Crashes in McLean County Bloomington, IL – McLean…
Posted by City of Bloomington – Police on Tuesday, June 30, 2020