By Blake Haas
BLOOMINGTON – McLean County Health officials announced three new Coronavirus cases on Monday, bringing the county total to 461 cases.
McLean County Health Department Administrator Jessica McKnight reports 61 individuals are isolating at home, while three individuals remain hospitalized with one in the ICU.
Officials also report 382 individuals have been released from isolation and are considered recovered.
“Based on what we know of how respiratory viruses spread, and emerging evidence from clinical and laboratory studies, cloth face coverings can reduce the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth,” added McKnight. “A cloth face covering can help prevent a person who is sick from spreading the virus to others.”
More than 21,800 tests have resulted in a positive rate of 2.1%. The rolling 7-day positivity rate is 2.1%.
There have been 15 deaths in the county.
Meanwhile, Livingston County health officials are reporting three new cases of COVID-19.
The new cases are a female in her 40’s, and two females in their 20’s, all of whom are recovering in isolation.
Livingston county health officials report that 4,105 COVID-19 tests have resulted in 76 total cases. Officials say that 61 of the 76 cases are considered recovered.
Additionally, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced 1,231 new cases of COVID-19 with 18 deaths. The statewide totals increase to 172,655 cases and 7,416 deaths.
Blake Haas can be reached at [email protected].