By Blake Haas
BLOOMINGTON – While Unit 5 students have an option for online or in-person learning, student transportation will look slightly different, according to the new superintendent.
Speaking with WJBC’s Scott Miller, Unit 5 Superintendent Dr. Kristen Weikle says she thinks new leadership will help.
“They had some newer leadership part-way through the school year last year, and that individual has been working closely with the school and the district office here to make plans to make sure that we have our kids at school in a timely fashion.”
Dr. Weikle added that Unit 5 has been working with First Student to ensure students get to class on time.
“We have been working collaboratively with First Student for several months to prepare for the 2020-2021 school year. They have been apart of the conversations with the new limitations we have because of COVID-19. Right now, we are limited to no more than 50 individuals on a bus. We know that we are going to have to run extra routes and maybe have different routes compared to previous years.
“What we are doing now is we are asking parents and families to make a decision, what option are you wanting for your child. If they chose the in-person option, we are asking, ‘do you need bus transportation?’ We need that information as soon as we can so we can provide that to First Student to adequately be able to plan and schedule routes.”
Good evening Here is a message from Dr. Weikle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRfaQKcw1HI&feature=youtu.beThe Fall…
Posted by McLean County U5 on Monday, July 20, 2020
All students and staff in Unit 5 will be required to wear face coverings when they’re at school and on the bus.
Blake Haas can be reached at [email protected].