By Neil Doyle
NORMAL – The Town of Normal is extending permission for outdoor dining on private commercial properties and permitting portable heaters in accordance with temporary outdoor heating guidelines until further notice.
“Outdoor dining has helped restaurant owners,” said Mayor Chris Koos in a news release. “We want to continue to help local businesses. During COVID-times, indoor seating remains limited. When we announced the outdoor-dining extension earlier this year, we hoped we would be further along in the Restore Illinois plan. Sadly, that is not the case.”
Businesses who previously applied for outdoor dining do not need to reapply. The outdoor dining extension leaves in place all the regulations implemented in May. These regulations include but are not limited to the following:
- No smoking permitted
- No amplified sound allowed
- Patrons must have access to indoor restrooms (Portapotties not allowed)
- Open alcohol may not be removed from the designated outdoor dining areas
- Outdoor dining areas will close at 10 p.m.
- All regulations by the State or the County Health Department apply
- ADA accessibility and accessible parking must be maintained
Business owners who would like to apply for a new outdoor dining operation should email Town Clerk Angie Huonker at [email protected] for an application.
Neil Doyle can be reached at [email protected]