By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – This is not Missouri, but some Illinois state senators are saying, “Show Me.”
They’re upset the Pritzker administration is not doing more to protect the Job Creators of Illinois.
“We are calling for evidence within the contact tracing that will tell us what we need to do, based on the science and based on the evidence, in terms of mitigating,” said Senate Minority Leader Bill Brady (R-Bloomington). “So far, there’s no proof that restaurants are mass spreaders of this, particularly if they reduce to 25 percent occupancy.”
Another lawmaker, State Sen. Don DeWitte (R-St Charles), says he asked the Illinois Department of Public Health for the contact tracing data which points to a need to shut down restaurants and bars. Had that information been used in the decisions, suggests DeWitte, it would not take more than a week to produce it.
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected]