By Blake Haas
BLOOMINGTON – As finger-pointing continues in Congress about a second COVID-19 stimulus bill, Illinois’ senior U.S. Senator is taking things into his own hands in hopes American’s get relief before Christmas.
For the past three-weeks, Democratic Whip Dick Durbin, along with 10 Republican and Democratic Senators, created a new $748 billion stimulus that he says will prevent 12 million Americans from losing unemployment.
“We sat down and worked for three straight weeks to write the relief bill that provides help for businesses and families and transport for the vaccine. We announced it yesterday (Monday). It’s a $748 billion bill, a bipartisan bill; it didn’t come from the leadership; it came from the membership. Democrats, Republicans, House (of Representatives), and Senates reached an agreement. Parts of it I love and parts of it I hate, but that’s what a compromise is all about. I want to get it done this week before we leave.
For the first time since the election, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to discuss COVID-relief.
“We decided as a group of bipartisan of Senators not to point fingers and blame, but to sit down and go to work,” Durbin told WJBC’s Scott Miller. “We put together this $748 billion bill. If we don’t pass this, the day after Christmas, 12 million Americans will lose their unemployment benefits. If we don’t pass this, there is no hope for these businesses that are struggling to survive. There are previsions in here; $80 to $100 billion for schools, districts around our country to compensate for some of the expenses they are running into with COVID-19.
“The list goes on. The eviction notices are extended for another three months, so people don’t get evicted right at Christmas. It’s important. I think there is plenty of blame to go around politically. You can blame (Speaker) Pelosi. You can blame (Senate Majority Leader) McConnell. The important thing now is do something, do something, and we’ve got a bipartisan measure that does it.”
Durbin’s Coronavirus stimulus bill has yet to be called for a vote.
Blake Haas can be reached at [email protected].