(Facebook/Reditus Laboratories)
By Blake Haas
BLOOMINGTON – McLean County reached a grim milestone of the COVID-19 pandemic on Wednesday, marking 100 COVID-related deaths since the start of the pandemic.
McLean County officials report four additional COVID-related deaths, bringing the number of lives lost to 101.
The latest deaths were a male in his 70’s, a female in her 80’s, and two males in their 90’s who were all associated with long-term care facilities.
Health officials also report 124 new cases of COVID-19, increasing the county’s confirmed cases to 11,479.
McLean County Health Department Administrator Jessica McKnight reports 949 individuals are isolating at home, while 10,403 individuals have been released from isolation.
McKnight also reports 26 McLean County residents are hospitalized due to COVID-19, with 69% of ICU beds in use and 85% of total beds in use. Officials say 64 individuals are hospitalized in the county for COVID-19.
More than 176,300 tests have resulted in a cumulative positivity rate of 6.5%. The rolling 7-day positivity rate increased to 10.2%.
Blake Haas can be reached at [email protected].