110 more McLean County residents tested positive for COVID-19. (Photo courtesy: WJBC/File)
By Blake Haas
BLOOMINGTON – McLean County Health officials report 110 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, increasing the county total to 11,589 confirmed cases.
MCHD reports 24 McLean County residents are hospitalized due to COVID-19 while 73% of ICU beds are in use and 82% of total beds are in use.
McLean County Health Department Administrator Jessica McKnight reports 975 people are isolating at home while 10,489 people have been released from isolation and are considered recovered.
More than 177,700 tests have resulted in a cumulative positivity rate of 6.5%. The rolling 7-day positivity rate is 10.9%, up from 10.2% on Wednesday.
Since December 23, health officials have reported 722 new cases of COVID-19.
There have been 101 COVID-related deaths in the county.
Blake Haas can be reached at [email protected].