By Blake Haas
BLOOMINGTON – As things slowly return to business as usual during the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Red Cross calls on Central Illinoisans to donate blood.
According to Lyn Hruska, Executive Director of the Central Illinois chapter, the need is always higher during the summer months.
“You know summer is always a difficult time with people traveling and ball games, and the need quite frankly is greater during the summer as well. So it’s a battle we fight every single summer. This summer, we have the added fact that as the hospitals are returning more to business as usual, we’re seeing more surgeries scheduled. We’re seeing more trauma patients in the hospital as people get out as well. That means that more people need blood.”
Speaking with WJBC’s Marc Strauss, Hruska said the need for various blood types is high, especially Type O blood.
“We love to have; I mean, in a perfect world, we would have a five-day supply on the shelves waiting for people. We’re happy with three (days) and feel like we can function very well with a three-day supply. But the truth is, with our O blood, we’re currently running at a half a day.”
For those interested in donating blood, an appointment can be made at AmericanRedCross.org.
The Central Illinois American Red Cross chapter serves 17 counties in Illinois.
Blake Haas can be reached at [email protected].