By Blake Haas
CLINTON – As the summer months warm up, Clinton Police is noticing a significant increase in methamphetamine and theft cases, causing the city’s top cop to turn to social media to share his frustration.
In a Facebook post this week, Clinton Police Chief Ben Lowers said, “the deadbeat, drug-abusing thieves have been busy stealing bicycles out of yards, off of patios/porches, and out of unlocked garages.”
Although Lowers apologized for his lack of “sensitivity for the criminal element,” he told WJBC’s Scott Miller the post has lead to the recovery of stolen property and information that is helping ongoing investigations.
“Obviously, you could detect an undertone of some frustration there. And for that, I do apologize from the standpoint of you know; I tell it like it is. And while that may of been a little bit insensitive and lacked passion. I first want to say I’m absolutely compassionate about addiction, and that is certainly not any direct insult to those individuals that suffer from addiction or are battling such.
The Chief said the recent uptick in crimes is two-fold.
“We’ve also had an increase in burglaries to unlocked motor vehicles, burglaries to unlocked garages or storage sheds things of that nature. And I do believe that it’s likely that the two are hand-in-hand; the increase in the encounters that we’ve had with methamphetamine and also the increase in theft.”
One way to combat the problem, according to the Chief, is to make sure doors are locked at night and bicycles are under lock and key.
Lowers also added that the city is seeing a tremendous increase in theft across the board.
Here’s the Chief’s full statement on Facebook:
“The deadbeat, drug abusing thieves have been busy stealing bicycles out of yards, off of patios/porches and out of unlocked garages. A reminder to help us out by keeping your belongings put away and premises locked up! Same goes for “porch pirates”. There’s no shortage of low life’s out there lurking to support their scumbag lifestyle on your hard earned purchases that are being delivered while you’re at WORK. I apologize for the lack of “sensitivity” for the criminal element…~Chief Lowers”
Blake Haas can be reached at [email protected].